Sunday, November 3, 2019

Effective leadership Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Effective leadership - Research Paper Example Scoring is based on the same evaluation and results are investigated with possible suggestion on team improvement. Introduction Structure of the paper The paper analyses a team performance based on theoretical frameworks right from its formation till the very end. It begins by identifying the team and the components within it and then discusses the process by which a team is formed. The team here is identified as a group created to stage a drama in 31 days time. The group identifies its various departments and operates for 30 days. In these 30 days, the group functioning is analysed based on few theoretical frameworks on group behaviour. The next stage discusses the role of individual participation and contribution towards the group and how personal and interpersonal skills were utilised. The paper concludes in evaluating the team’s performance on the team effectiveness critique and exploring the results thereof. The Team The team under study is a small one of 15 people coming together to stage a drama designated to the task of providing a good theatre experience to its audience. The team has 15 members who are divided into various divisions of the work unit. Each member on the team has a level of competency that is desired by the theatre event and the department under which the team member operates. Each team member works towards the common objective of giving a good performance on the day of the event. Team members are equally competitive and capable in delivering high levels of performance. Each individual has a separate set of skills that are necessary for achieving divisional and common organizational goals. The group is divided between actors (6), technicians (3), scriptwriters (2), director (2), marketers and organizers (2). The director has all necessary information regarding the drama event and shall act as the team leader. The Project To stage the drama, the team has a time period of 30 days to stage the drama. They have to present the show on the 31st day of the task being assigned. The team decided to meet 15 alternate days to put together the entire drama in place. The meetings were held on day 1, 2, 5, 9, 12, 15, 17, 19, 21, 23, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29 and 30 from the day it was decided to stage a drama. Team Development Building an effective and efficient teamwork is important in today’s scenario. It is observed that team building is an onerous task. New teams do not start functioning exceptionally well at the very onset. Their formation takes time, efforts and a pattern that follow stages that can be easily classified into four general categories. A group of strangers becomes a team with common goal once they undergo the following stages (Mindtools, 2013). Forming The first stage is characterized by coming together of individuals to form a part of the group. Here individuals act in a very polite and positive manner primarily because they want to be accepted by the other members. The team leader has an advantage at this stage because the roles and responsibilities of other members are unclear. People are engaged primarily in deciding tasks and gather impression and information about other members of the group. This stage usually lasts very long, may be one single meeting and is devoid of any major conflict or controversy. The team under study identifies the roles and responsibilities of each participating in creating the entire drama. The behavior was formal and polite where individuals got acquainted with

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