Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Environmental Factors of Marketing - 1287 Words

Environmental Factors of Marketing This paper will discuss the five environmental factors that influence global and domestic marketing decisions that organizations must make. These five environmental factors are technology, demographics, government, culture and economics. Companies are affected differently by these factors depending on the industry they are in and the size of the organization. I will be using the Washington Plaza Hotel to illustrate how these environmental factors affect the hotel industry s marketing decisions. The Washington Plaza Hotel is a hospitality business located in Washington, DC. They offer services such as lodging, restaurant, bar, catering and meeting space rental. The Washington Plaza Hotel s major†¦show more content†¦With this in mind, the hotel s marketing department focuses heavily on capturing and catering to government business. Not only does it focus on domestic government but the hotel also does a large amount of business with fo reign government. Government officials from all over the world visit Washington, DC on a regular basis to attend meeting and conduct business with the US government. These officials need a place to stay while they are here and what better location than in the heart of the capital. In addition to providing these individuals with lodging, the hotel can also provide space for meeting as well as attend to any food and beverage needs they might require. Culture Culture plays a big part in the way that the Washington Plaza Hotel does its marketing. As previously discussed, the hotel does a great deal of business with foreign customers that are visiting the United States for business or pleasure. The hotel wants these guests to be comfortable during their stay. One of the ways in which the Washington Plaza Hotel does this is by hiring employees from all different cultures. Currently they have employees from over 20 different countries that can assist with communication and help educate the hotel about foreign culture. What do these guests expect and how can we make them feel at home? These questions can be answered by talking with various employees and trying to get a betterShow MoreRelatedEnvironmental Factors and Marketing1323 Words   |  6 PagesEnvironmental Factors and Marketing Decisions Will a successful marketing plan in one country work in another country? This is unlikely to occur due to many different cultural, political, economic, technological, and competitive environments. Marketing mixes require adjustments to meet local conditions and companies that understand these environmental factors can create advantages when positioning their products or services. 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