Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Preparing People to Manage, Support and Use of ERP systems Dissertation

Preparing People to Manage, Support and Use of ERP systems - Dissertation Example , the quantitative and qualitative data were subjected to both statistical and thematic analysis. The study has found that the employees who were investigated expressed that loss of control of the organisation and complexity of ERP were acceptable in their present organisation along with the effectiveness of the alignment of ERP to business process and strategy and the resistance of users. In addition, the study likewise found that Planning was a key enabler of ERP implementation, along with management of the project and education and training. The variable of culture has particularly been disagreed upon as an enabler of successful ERP implementation. In addition, it was also found that management of the project, education and training and involvement of users are all significant, positive predictors of effectiveness of ERP deployment. As such, a number of recommendations had been presented. Acknowledgements Table of Contents 1. Introduction 1.1. Background 9 1.2. Project Rationale 1 2 1.3.Project Aims and Objectives 13 1.3.1. Project Aims 13 1.3.2. Project Objectives 13 2. Literature Review 2.1. Introduction 14 2.2. ERP systems: A Brief Overview 14 2.2.1. The Importance of ERP systems 15 2.3. Obstacles to the Effective Implementation of Enterprise Resource Planning 19 2.4. Factors that Positively Affect Effective ERP Implementation 25 2.5. Empirical Studies 32 2.6. Conclusions 37 2.6.1. Key Conclusions 38 2.6.2. Refined Research Questions 40 3. Research Methodology 3.1. Introduction 41 3.2. Research Philosophy 41 3.3. Research Strategy 42 3.4. Data Generation Methods 43 3.5. Data Analysis 46 3.6. Sampling 46 3.7. Ethics 47 3.8. Limitations 48 3.9. Conclusions 48 4. Results and Discussion 4.1. Introduction 50 4.2. Questionnaire Analysis 50 4.3. Interviews Analysis 74 4.3.1. Business Process and Strategy 74 4.3.2. Loss of Control of the Organisation 74 4.3.3. Complexity of ERP 75 4.3.4. User Acceptance/ Resistance of Users 75 4.3.5. Planning and Management of the Project 76 4.3.6. Teamwork 76 4.3.7. Support from Top Management 77 4.3.8. Communication 78 4.3.9. Management of Change/Culture 78 4.3.10. Education and Training 79 4.3.11. Overall Effectiveness of the ERP Implementation 79 4.4. Discussion 4.4.1. Introduction 80 4.4.2. Obstacles in ERP Implementation 80 4.4.3. Enablers in ERP Implementation 83 4.5. Conclusions 85 5. Conclusions and Recommendations 5.1. Conclusions 87 5.1.1. Conclusion 1 87 5.1.2. Conclusion 2 88 5.2. Recommendations 5.2.1 Recommendations 1 89 5.2.2. Recommendations 2 89 6. Personal Reflection 90 Bibliography 91 Appendices 97 List of Tables Table 1. Items measuring obstacles in ERP implementation 46 Table 2. Items measuring enablers in ERP implementation. 49 Table 3. Gender: Frequency and percentage breakdown. 50 Table 4.. Age: Frequency and percentage breakdown. 51 Table 5. Level: Frequency and percentage breakdown. 52 Table 6. Tenure: Frequency and percentage breakdown. 59 Table 7. Descriptive statistics:

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